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Absolute Crimson

Mission Statement

The clan Absolute Crimson is looking for more players to do end game activities with at any and all available times.

This clan has almost as enough raid clears every week as there are people that need them, and we want everyone to know the raid and complete it as many times as they want every week. We don't just shoot monsters, everyone in the clan should feel there are other people worth communicating with if they want to jump into the Crucible for a bit. It's included in the clan's overall goal to do all activities together, and that includes facing other guardians (even Trials of the Nine).

Our goal is to have plenty of people to play with at any given time, and not have people in the clan that do not play with the clan (at all), or people that aren't geared enough for the highest activities. We want people to feel there's always someone on to do somethin' with.

This means that we're only looking for players with a 300 power character.

If you've got questions or interest you can also message gamertag Blaze of Chaord. Check out the website though (you can request to join there)!

You can read -about us- at the clan page. I recommend you do!






13th Oct 2017 - 5:50pm

300 Titan, looking for clan that I can do all content with, especially raids, and just have a fun time.

Inv: Clandrus


12th Oct 2017 - 12:21pm

305 Warlock with a Hunter on the way. Very interested in an active clan to raid, nightfall and especially run some trials with. 

inv: Steppinator