About Kaoikr
I am a 14 year old from S.C. who is about to make the jump to pc ;because, I feel like I could improve drastically in my competitive skill. I already have good game sense and mechanics, it's just that I am very limited due to my xbox one's freezing and 60 fps. I would like to join an organization where I can get a long term contract, meet new people, and win competitively. Fortnite: I spend most of my time playing custom scrims and zone wars to get better. I have played competitive lightly since the black heart cup in march or april of 2019 I got arond 20 ish points. In the solo cash cups I average about 32 points. I would stay on console but I feel like I can drastically improve on pc/k&m https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Kaoikr Destiny 2: I barely spend any time into d2 but when I do I play comp or quick play challenges with my friends. Hence my low 1.0 k/d average between both modes I am always up to change and adapt to the current meta in https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/profile/xbl/XenoRiot1642/overview