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Rust Clan Recruit

Listing Information

Looking to join a Rust Clan.  I've got about 180 hours in game.  I know the basics.  I'm available from 3:30pm-7:00pm Pacific Time on weekdays.  I live in California near Los Angeles.



20th Aug 2021 - 6:32am

[SAGC] Is recruiting (We are a new clan) (This clan is Australian/New Zealander) ----PVP---- Requirements - 1.1k+ Hours -125+ Meter ak spray/ 100+ meter mp5 spray. - good with Mp5 100m Ak 125m - Must have good game sense - Can farm if needed - 14+ -No Toxic people/egos ----FARMER---- - 500+ Hours - 13+ - You will come on raids and roams as a farmer - You need to stay calm on raids and roams - You have to have good comms - No toxic people/ no egos - good with MP5 75m and AK 100m ----Builder---- - 700+ hours - knows how to spray most of all guns - Can make open core. external TC shooting floor designs peak downs and shell - 14+ - can farm if needed - will come on raids and roams - have to have good comms


If you want to join this is the Discord server