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Fate Gaming LLC

Listing Information


Highest ranked 18+ gaming community on LFC. We take pride in only recruiting mature adults who are looking to game after a long day of work. Our drama-free, professional organization is here to help you find that new online space to call home.



Fate Gaming is an international 18+ casual crossplay gaming community.
We were established in 2018 with the goal of creating a community where gamers always had laid back members to team up with no matter what time of day.

As a member of Fate Gaming, you'll have access to our Discord server, game servers, as well as the opportunity to participate in events, tournaments, podcast, game testings and giveaways.
Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting out, our community is the perfect place to connect with others who share your passion for gaming.

We believe in creating a positive and supportive community where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their background or skill level.

All Fate members are active within 45 days.
Many guilds, both small and large are inactive & lack quality members.
Don’t gamble your time on communities with no track record or those that accept anyone willing to join.

Are you in more than one Discord server? No Problem!
Many communities ban you for being in other clans, in Fate we recognize people have friends across multiple servers and are fine with you being in more than one gaming community.



Our community collaborates with game developers to test unreleased game titles and gains exclusive alpha-level access.
Prior to XDefiant even having a name, we met with Mark Rubin, the executive produce of Modern Warfare and provided feedback on the game.
Additionally, we host interviews with influential game companies, offering unique insights and behind-the-scenes looks at the gaming industry.

Fate Gaming LLC Banner


Our community is currently looking for mature individuals who are 18 years of age or older.
We are an international gaming community, but have our strongest presence in North America and Europe.
We are not looking for players who desire hardcore game play, are angered easily, or who are looking to boss others around.



Another benefit of joining our community is being a part of our Fate Nation Podcast!
Where we speak with developers of the games we play, discuss game releases, community news and more.

Podcast: Fate Nation Podcast


REQUIREMENTS | No tryouts or applications

  • Mature (18+ years old)
  • Competent Human Being

fatedividers5HOW TO JOIN

To become a member of Fate Gaming join our Discord or read more about us using the links below:







3rd Jun 2024 - 5:23am

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15th Apr 2024 - 12:10am

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