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[PS4] The~Faceless~Men.

Mission Statement

The~Faceless~Men. is a very small, but a long-time running group with a primary focus in PVP content.  Our Clan roster is filled with veterans of day one D1 players, who crave to reach a level of proficiency among the top without the reliance on "lack of skill" weapons that plague the Crucible as it is now.  Our clan is not elitist.  Our players have a varying degree of skill.  We seek enjoyment from participating in PVP events and shouts of encouragement from Lord Shaxx.  Age will not be discriminated against as long as the individual has a high maturity level.  Toxicity will not be tolerated.  Treat others as you wish to be treated.  Service members welcome!  Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.  We request that if you participate with other members that you follow through with what you say you are going to do; Without our word what do we really have?  As I said before our group is small, but those that remain are loyal and willing to help whenever we can.  Our hopes are that with enough loyal guardians, our ranks will once again grow.  Our focus is PVP, but we, of course, dabble in PVE content to obtain the ever escaping "God Rolls" and exotic quest lines.  Please reply to the post if interest in our clan is peaked, or message directly [psn]Darksider082 or  [psn]assassin_pro1590.  Thank you for your consideration.



Clan Upvotes