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The Militia of Madmen

Mission Statement

The Militia of Madmen began as a collection of Commanders who left the Empire for various reasons and settled out in Independent space.  The Militia's goal is now to explore and tame the region of space we call home, as well as befriend any commanders that wish to call our home theirs as well.

The Militia participates in all aspects of Elite and has knowledgeable commanders to help all our members get the most of the game.  We regularly participate in Bounty Hunting, Bug-Hunting, Trading and Mining just to name a few.

Members are welcome to come and go as they please, the leaders and several core members have families and recognize that real life and family come first.  Our goal is to create a gaming environment people enjoy being a part of and look forward to jumping into when they turn on their Pc or Xbox.

Please apply on Inara if you think you might be mad enough to join the Militia.

If you Play Elite on Xbox one go here

