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Honor of the Crow -Crow- (PC)

Mission Statement

Looking to gather more members for Destiny 2 content on PC! Our clan is already level 4 from having been started on Xbox One. 

I'm a veteran of Destiny 2 having cleared all current content on Xbox One, minus the prestige raid due to lack of time since it's release. I mostly play for the weekly challenge of Trials of the Nine and I run all 3 characters to flawless each week and continue playing to help friends get flawless as well.

If you're looking for a group to clear content or just to have some people to steamroll PvP with, then feel free to send me an invitation request. For now, all will be accepted upon clan request on the website. When the ranks begin to fill, I will take players on a more selective basis, especially once Trials has been released and I can gauge players skill and ability.

My goal is to build a clan that can have multiple teams clearing content simultaneously to ensure that all members are able to clear content and have fun gearing up their characters.






8th Nov 2017 - 2:59am

Would love to join up if i can, looking for a guild with active members to do nightfalls and raids.

Light lvl 269 hunter and 274 titan.

Omegaanthrax#1901 is bnet.


5th Nov 2017 - 6:48am

271 Power Hunter. Looking for an active and dedicated group for raids/nightfalls/crucible etc.

Please add me - Murthless#1196


4th Nov 2017 - 12:45am

Im a Xbox player my current clan has no members because the all left I am currently a Titan main at 297 light but have a 287 hunter and warlock I would love to help build up the clan to the highest echelons of Destiny


3rd Nov 2017 - 3:06am

Gat#11920 288 Titan lookin for raid buddies


3rd Nov 2017 - 2:52am

Hello! Please allow me to join your clan. I am currently a 246 Warlock, I can't complete any content of the game that requires your own fireteam. I would love to help build up the clan to the highest echelons of Destiny!

Austin 40495

3rd Nov 2017 - 2:28am

Would love to join this clan. Description matches what I want out of my Destiny 2 experience. 

Currently looking for a clan to run raids, trials, and nightfalls with, also want the amazing loot that comes with it!


Please send me an invitation - FussytigerZ #1700


Thank you :)


2nd Nov 2017 - 11:25pm

Hey, looking for chill people to do the end game content with on PC, casual player currently got a 283 Warlock, bnet tag is NobleSpoon#1957


2nd Nov 2017 - 10:54pm

Hello i would really like to join your clan my is : Hague#2181 i really want some people to raid with and do PvP and more



2nd Nov 2017 - 9:57pm

Hey there, Ajax#1822 looking for a friendly clan to do nightfalls, raids, trials, etc. with. New to Destiny, but an FPS vet. Currently have a 280 Warlock. 26 years old with a mic - would love to play with more people as most of my Destiny friends play on PS4. An invite would be greatly appreciated!


2nd Nov 2017 - 8:56pm

BoxxyBrown88#1964 275 titan. 29 years old with mic. Looking for a semi casual group of mature gamers to group up with for all the social content in destiny.


2nd Nov 2017 - 8:16pm

Anyone that has currently submitted a request to join, I'm unable to accept requests right now due to being down in the clan section. I'll get to your request as soon as their system is running again.



2nd Nov 2017 - 5:44pm

275 Hunter on PC looking for doing raids,PvP, PvE, anything really. I am an active player of destiny 2 and i also played the first game constantly for a year until i stopped playing it. EU and my BNet is Skuz#21614


2nd Nov 2017 - 3:25pm

285 Titan on PC looking to raid and be active often. EU// BNet = TJRay#2450


2nd Nov 2017 - 7:12am

I am looking for an active clan on NA (PC).  I work nights, but am usually active at most times. I am currently a 267 Titan and looking to do fireteams and eventually raids. 


2nd Nov 2017 - 5:31am

Hi there. 290 warlock & 292 Hunter LF end game clan. Looking to do all end game content every week on multiple characters. Bnet tag is AwsomusPrime#1450.


1st Nov 2017 - 10:05pm

Hey, looking for a clan to gear up and learn the game. I have extensive shooter experience and MMO experience, just need to learn how to this game works. Looking to PvE and PVP. Extensive shooter experience: 1700+ hrs CSGO, 1000+ hrs BF3, 4, 1, and BC2. 700+ hrs FFXIV experience. 


1st Nov 2017 - 8:09pm

Hey I would like to join Zubatman#2197 :) Im pretty active and ilvl 265 :)


1st Nov 2017 - 3:07am

I would like to join your clan, mostly playing pvp - Hunter lvl 20, power level 260. I play on PC player - Jack#28367


31st Oct 2017 - 10:26pm

Hey, I've been looking for a clan and I saw the CROW; big fan of the clan name. New to both Destiny and PC, however I seem to be pretty decent at PvP matches and I'm enjoying it a lot. I'd like to play the Raid and Nightfall with some nice people, and hopefully you deem me fit. I'm online often, and have a mic which I'm new to. HRAFN is also apparently Norse for Raven which is pretty much a crow, which I thought was cool.



31st Oct 2017 - 6:10am

Just started on PC 3 days ago. Been a guardian of the light since day 1 on PS4. Chill, friendly, adult that specializes in Destiny's raids (beaten them ALL including Calus' PRESTIGE) but enjoy running trials, nightfall, and helping out clanmates. I have my Titan up to lvl 20, power lvl 222. I have ZERO friends on PC and I'm looking forward to proving my worth to the clan who accepts or invites me. See you on the battlefield Guardians! id: VANDAL#1131


30th Oct 2017 - 7:29am

Hey just looking for a friendly clan to do nightfalls, raids, and trials with. Would love to hang out doing PvE or PvP any time. mountain time zone, currently level 240 hunter and rising. Experienced Destiny 1 vet. bnet is AgentN25#1103 . Chat me up any time!