Mission Statement
AOD is a legacy clan with decades of history in the gaming space across multiple games. We started in 1999 back when Ventrilo was still the VOIP of choice for gaming on PC, then we were on TeamSpeak for many years, and now we have started transferring to Discord to keep up with the times. We currently have communities in 10 games additional to COD, over 1200 members, 140 of which belong to the COD Division.
At AOD out biggest focus is on being a non-toxic, mature group. To join you must be 18 or older and agree to our simple expectations of conduct.
What to expect upon joining:
- First of all you would need to sign up for our forums since our member permissions run though that.
- have an officer in the group go over a few rules with you to make sure you are they type of person our community wants.
- come play with us! enjoy our community, where you will get to play with adults from all over the world. Average age of members is in the mid 30's
Website: ClanAOD.net
Discord: discord.gg/clanAOD
If you need more details just message me, my discord is dnaevolved115 or zeke009. See you in Game
Been here a few months, really enjoy grouping up with people consistently again. MW 2 2022 may be a mid ass game, but AOD still makes it worth suffering through.
Great group of people!! Constantly recruiting new players and have people of all experience of the game.. from warzone, dmz, multiplayer, even competitive! so glad i found this community. if you ever get burned out or need a break we offer other games you can hop around and play with too!
I have been a part of AOD since 2018 and can only give positive recommendations. They aren't pushy and there is always someone to play with, even if it's a game that you haven't played but want to. The experience available in games and outside of gaming is amazing.