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Aloha Snackk Bar PS4 [ US & UK | Casual EndGame

Mission Statement

We're NOT hardcore BUT we're not Casual like to think we're somewhere in the middle.  


30 active members who have been online in the past 10 days. We're from UK/EU but the majority from East Coast & Central time.

In the past we've had people join and leave because of the time difference, our guys don't get online until 6-7 pm EST. You might only see a few guys online before this time. Only join if you're ok with it and don't mind the time difference. Our guys don't get on Destiny until around 6 pm EST.


We're only accepting guys who have ALL the DLCs (Are getting Witch Queen and Lightfall) & all Season Passes


We run a buttload of everything -

- PVP (Comp, Quickplay, Mayhem & Trials).
- PVE (Strikes & Nightfall, Grandmasters and Seasonal Activities).
- Raids.
- Gambit.



Someone with a chill, friendly personality and that also has a sense of humor.  Someone who gets along well with others, regardless of how experienced or how new they are to the game; we welcome all. 
Someone who is patient, kind, and understanding.  We all have our pros and cons.  No one is perfect when it comes down to finishing something like the raids. If someone isn’t getting it just yet, give them time and don’t just quit. We don't like Rage Quitters but Thankfully we haven't had anyone in the clan like that in the past 4 years. 

Just a heads up, we're not a competitive clan, we all like to run and grind for things but it's not a thing for us to run raids every day, or NF's 50 times a week. I'm sure if we had more personal time then it wouldn't be an issue, we're mostly in the 20s to late 30s with Work and Families. 

We consider this clan like a second family. We really care about one another and if you put the effort in getting to know us or put yourself out there then you'll feel just at home, don't bother joining if you don't. Everyone can Solo but it's fun to join and group up sometimes.   



1. 18+ No Kids allowed. 2. Join our Discord and hang out with us:
3. Be ACTIVE in Game & on Discord. If you are not active on Discord when you play, you will be removed. 2 Week grace period. 
4. Play with us sometimes
5. Be cool and don't throw tantrums/rage quit (more below)
6. Headset Required. 


