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Six Sick Shots

Mission Statement

Just a friendly invite for some focused players of The Division 2 on PS4. My friends and I have created a Clan and would love the firepower and cooperative effort of this community. We have brought “Six Sick Shots” into live action. Feel free to add my PSN: KurtWolfgang and join the cause! Every little bit helps! Thank you all and i will hopefully see you in DC.


Clan Name: Six Sick Shots

Clan Tag: (HEX)

Enrollment: Open (Public)

Popular Times: Weekday Evenings & Weekends

Player Skill: Intermediate - Advanced

Objective: Organized Effort in Clan Participation. (Including but not limited to: XP Farming, Strategical PvE, Support and Power Leveling, Co-Op Assistance, Dead Zone Farming, Project Completions, Future Raid Teams, Conflict Competitors, and Clan Wars)

