Mission Statement

What can "Knights of Chaos" offer you?
- Opportunity for self promoting grow your brand.
- Competitive teams.
- Easy to follow community ranks.
- Game nights.
We are a competitive/casual gaming community.
- Looking for assistance with graphic design and video editing
- Looking for dedicated mature members who care about growth in the community.
We offer a friendly and safe environment for our members to find people to game with, compete and have fun.
What does it mean to "Embrace" and be a Knight of Chaos?
It stems from the Knights of Chaos origin story long ago there was another community which shall remain nameless where leadership failed to uphold justice and conduct themselves in a fair and realistic manner. As a result, the Founding Member and many other members were very disappointed with the conduct as we did not believe the actions were morally correct. Which caused a server wide eruption, member calling for revolution reform and change. These self-proclaimed "Leaders" were baffled, unwilling to adjust to the call for a traditional checks and balances system to prevent further issues, which forced them to leave as they were no longer able to have all the power as they desired.
Disbanded and "homeless" if you will, some members in a panic unknown of what has happened only to log on to see the community and place called home was gone. Ever since we have worked hard to make this place welcoming and everything we have always hoped for.
At knights of Chaos, we are a humble crowd from all walks of life we believe everyone should feel free to be yourself. Regardless of background, race, sex, religion, or identity. At the end of the day, we are all Gamers and Knights of chaos welcomes you!
Also Check out the merch!
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