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About BoltexGaming


Boltex Gaming is a casual PC gaming community. We are open to all who have a laid back attitude and who are here to have fun. There are no guild applications, minimum playtime requirements, prerequisites or officer hierarchy. We're run by the players, for the players. We play a variety of games, chances are if it has multiplayer we have someone who plays it! ­WHO WE ARE LOOKING TO RECRUIT Our community is currently looking for laid back, mature individuals who are 18 years of age or older. We are mainly comprised of players from the UK who all speak English and tend to to play in the evenings but we do accept players from all parts of the globe. We are not looking for players who desire hardcore game play, who are angered easily when they die, or who are looking to boss others around. Instead we value positive, upbeat, team orientated individuals. If you are looking for a hardcore group of players, then we offer our eSports division, trials are tough, but if you make it through, then the rewards are endless!