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Dissertation Methodology is an Indispensable Part of High Quality Research Dissertation Methodology is a Must For Unique Research Project When writing a dissertation, you are supposed to deal not only with academic sources analysis but with doing primary research to find some new relationships and consistent patterns. Thus dissertation methodology is one of the most important and tricky chapter to pay to do my assignment.   Writing methodology implies description of data analysis methods and evaluation of chosen methods for this type of research. It defines data collection method and relevancy of sample for accuracy of data to be analyzed. Dissertation methodology should be written with a good knowledge of research methods and their application limitations. When you choose inappropriate method for getting data, your research findings will have no value and your time will be wasted.   Writing a viable methodology is not so simple assignment and many even experienced researchers feel at the dead-end with this task. One should have an excellent knowledge of research methods – quantitative and qualitative and their characteristics for adequate application. Proper research methods effect the whole quality of the dissertation. Dissertation methodology also contains information of samples and targeted population. This is an important aspect which can effect results of conducted research. Thus it should be approached carefully and with understanding. The size of a sample influences analysis results and if it deviates from the norm, it results in biased results.   Research methods are defined at dissertation proposal stage where research approaches are mentioned or briefly described. Here one indices also the limitations of the chosen methods and notes how assistance will avoid possible gaps and inaccuracies of the research.   Methodology writing is a significant constituent of dissertation writing and to summarize it includes:   • description of the most suitable research methods for research project. • information collected and analyzed • possible biases and limitations • Well-grounded conclusion.   If you know how to write dissertation, you know that it is necessary to indicate drawbacks of the selected methods. It notes variables that may effect the research outcomes. It is important to note disadvantages of chosen methods to possible discrepancies of the research you are aware of and try to avoid. When you feel difficulty with writing dissertation methodology, you are better to refer for professional help. This highly reliable custom essay writing company can provide competent help in different fields of study. Essay writing experts have years of academic writing experience and are happy to help you with any format you need – from high school essays to dissertations. Whenever you need academic assistance, you are free to ask for qualified help and be sure of your academic results. All you have to do is to place an order and send your specific instructions for our writers to complete 100% unique academic project.  

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