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21/F/EST Looking for an active, friendly, 18+ group

Listing Information


My schedule is a little crazy but I'm looking for a group of people I can regularly play games with. The hours I will be on range from 3pm - 3am EST, but days will vary.

I am a complete amateur when it comes to gaming but my most played (and still played) games are:

  • Sea of Thieves (mostly this one right now)

  • CSGO

  • CIV 5

  • Rainbow Six

  • DayZ

  • Valorant

  • League

  • a ton of survival games like The Forest, Raft, etc.

I would also be willing to invest time into an MMO with the right group.

A little bit about myself: I recently lost my job due to the pandemic and have a lot of free time on my hands right now. I'm a very easy going person and can get along with most anyone, but I prefer people who don't rage. As long as your discord isn't filled with screaming 24/7, we'll probably get along. My hobbies mostly involve gaming but I do read and draw in my free-time. Really just hoping to find some good friends to help fill the void that is 2020.

Send me a message on here with a little bit about you and what you'd like to play. I'll give you my discord. Thanks!



16th Mar 2021 - 9:56pm

Ahoy Mates! Are you looking for a crew to Join? Need a new set of crew mates that you can play with constantly? Want to be apart of a massive online group that caters to multiple games? Well then the Kaldaran Empire is looking for you!!! Our Sea of Thieves group caters to all platforms and has people from all over that you can join up with. No more trying to find people that play when you do. So click the link and today!!! Tell them SharkBait sent you!


29th Oct 2020 - 10:26pm

Hey! My name is Talvo, some just call me T. I play alot of FPS, but I regularly enjoy story mode games. Pretty active when it comes to gaming as I co-own a team with my best friend. She and I started on another team together and broke off to make our own. We have a discord for the team if you'd like to join, my discord is Talvo#0437!