Mission Statement

We are the original multi-platform, multi-game clan. We have a great group of mature members and are looking for more.
- Destiny 2
- Enlisted
- Warframe
- Apex Legends
- Overwatch
- Rocket League
- Call of Duty
- BF2042
- League of Legends
- Paradox Games
- Smite
- Rainbow 6: Siege
- Dead By Daylight
For over 20 years, we have been a family, united by a love of online gaming. We play a variety of games on multiple platforms, including the latest AAA titles as well as many co-op indies. From first person shooters, to online massively multiplayers, there's something here for everyone. We also play TableTop games such as Dungeons & Dragons and social games such as JackBox Party Games, Cards Against Humanity, Texas Hold`em and Trivia.
About us: https://youtu.be/t-36m96Y4tc
Website: https://winterclan.net
Discord: https://discord.gg/winterclan
We are fun, mature and structured - a tight-knit community that feels small and personal but large enough to make grouping up easy. Whether you're a casual or competitive player, we've got you covered. There's plenty of playful banter here, but we do not tolerate toxicity.
We encourage and reward engagement but there is no purging or kicking of members due to inactivity. With many members in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, we understand time is a valuable commodity and we are structured to be accommodating.
That being said, we are not recruiting people who are solely interested in acquiring twitch streamers, people who are peddling products, services or pushing their own website, and those that wish to poach members or advertise their own personal discord. These things are toxic to our community and will result in immediate bans.
We exist all across the globe, but have our strongest presence in North America and Europe. For many games, we organize our teams by region to allow for a smoother gaming experience. We are currently looking to expand our Australian/APAC region.
We are currently recruiting new members. We value social interaction and loyalty above all else.
- Mature (16+ years old)
- Have a microphone
- Discord mobile and/or desktop
- Play on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and/or Nintendo Switch
- Readable discord name (no special characters, invisible names or stylized letters)
- Do not post an inappropriate Discord status
Enter our Discord, to become a member. Please make sure you have installed the Discord app before you click this link: https://discord.gg/winterclan
We are the original multi-platform, multi-game clan, fostering a community of skilled and mature players. If you're seeking a friendly environment to connect with like-minded gamers, consider joining us! You might even find new friends on Omegle to chat about our games and strategies. Together, we can enhance our gaming experience while building lasting relationships.
Winter Clan is a worldwide community, with a strong PolyTrack presence in North America and Europe.
Dobrodošli na stranicu s pravilima igre UNO! Ako ste ljubitelj ove popularne društvene igre ili tek želite naučiti kako igrati, ovdje ćete pronaći sve što trebate znati. Na https://kasinoikladenje.com/uno-pravila-igre/ detaljno objašnjavamo osnovna pravila, savjete i trikove koji će vam pomoći da postanete pravi majstor u UNO-u.
Bez obzira na to jeste li početnik ili iskusni igrač, naši vodiči će vam pomoći da bolje razumijete igru i poboljšate svoju taktiku. Pripremite se za uzbudljive partije sa svojom obitelji i prijateljima i uživajte u nezaboravnoj zabavi uz UNO!
Heardle is a website that lets you play a musical guessing game. It is based on Wordle, the viral word-guessing game, but with songs instead of heardle words. You have to listen to a short snippet of a song and try to guess its title and artist.
Hi everyone! I just joined my previous clan was burning out and very few people were online. Also I'm disabled but I'm like that meme I would show you my raid trophies if I've ever been on a raid. I would love to have a chance to go on a raid with fellow gamers.
Now that I've joined Winter Clan I do have one question though nothing is showing up on my destiny profile says I need a Clan invite and I need to know how to do that , otherwise I look forward to meeting everybody or everybody that I can and playing with you guys on destiny 2.
Mister Copper
Hey, I play Warframe on PC and I wanted to ask if I can join in your clan? If not, that's OK.
Anonymous (not verified)
Hello! I am a 13yo Fortnite player from the USA.I play comp Fortnite, I will also play casual if that is how you choose to play. I am a fairly good player, and I am getting better and better every day. If you could please consider my clan application that would be very much appreciated. Thank you, and have a nice day.
I can also use discord if that is easier
My email is [email protected]
My Fortnite username is Skies ち
Thanks again!
Been in this community for over a few days now. I was looking for something a little more positive, casual and rewarding when i do well at something. I've had that in spades already from a ton of helpful members across all their clan games. Doesn't matter your skill level, they're there to help and back it up with hundreds of hours in their respective fields. If you're looking for something super casual, or something a little more heavy, you've come to the right place. 20-30 events daily, nothing is mandatory. Website kicks butt, everything is synced up with the Discord, no third party apps to talk in i.e. Teamspeak. All in house.
If you’re looking for an active and friendly clan where you can just hop in and start playing with awesome people immediately this is it.
Lets hope I won’t get in trouble for the many war crimes I’ve committed in this community. It’s a great community full of a ton of people and games. I’ve been in this clan for years and I just can’t see myself leaving, the leadership is great and all the people are helpful and knowledgeable. If you ever need people to play with than this community is the one for you.
Sincerely, V
Insane LFG ... Always active. Lots of good players. If youre a gamer look no further.
Community is very amazing and funny. Always have a good time chilling in pubs or grinding in ranked.
Beanana Bread
This community slaps. After I left my old Destiny clan 4ish months ago to join this one, I couldn't be more pleased. This community and its leadership does everything in its power to prioritize an enjoyable gaming and social experience for its members. If you don't join this clan, you don't know what you're missing out on.
I joined winter back in the beginning of 2020 looking for a destiny clan. I was shy and quiet as i didnt but after playing with them for a while i opened up and it is honestly a great place with so many friendly ppl. this clan has also opened my eyes to so many other games and i really dont see myself going to any other clan. I can honestly say i feel at home here.
Beanana Bread
Winter fosters a positive gaming environment with active and non-toxic members and the leadership does a great job with organizing the discord and keeping the community move forward. You should absolutely join, I'm sure you will enjoy your stay.
Hi my name is Emanuel. I am 15. I am a serious Apex Legends player. My KD is 1.6. My discord is Emanuel24#9516. I am a great team player. I work well with others. And most importantly, i respect others. I can bring many laughs and great times to your clan and if you want to contact me, contact me at my discord.
The community and staff is very friendly and welcoming, and the events are fun as hell. If you’re looking for a community that’s like this, Winter Clan is for you.
Hello my name is Orzell I’m 22 and been playing video games since I was 7 I’m a good at playing Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, GTA, Outriders, & more. I feel like I’ll be a good player for the team because I was in a clan with over 30 members called “BEST” during the black ops 1 days so I know how clans work. Thanks
Looking to join clan for Warframe as a working and family man in my 40s gaming time is not priority but I do try and get on when ever I have a spare couple of hours
I have been around and joined many clans so I know what its like trying to find the right one, Winter is the one its full of people who will help and are patient and willing to teach so what you waiting for.
How is the Destiny 2 presence for this clan? I'm an experienced raider whose clan is slowly burning out but I'm used to weekly raid clears and Grandmaster runs and having a team that chases the day 1 raid experience with each raid drop. As such I'm very curious about the Destiny 2 ecosystem of Winter Clan. Thank you for your time,
Thanks for the response! I appreciate the candor and totally understand the creed. I'm certainly not looking to be elitist nor to feel above anyone else. It's a game and the community is what makes it great. A withering community is why I'm looking at leaving my current clan. Just too many people getting burned out.
In my case I'm just looking to maintain an experience that I currently have and continue to participate in what I enjoy about the game. Raids, GM Nightfalls and especially the day 1 challenge mode raid experience are the biggest parts of what I love about Destiny 2. So in considering moving clans I'm on the lookout for a clan that has, at least some, other members of similar mindset, who like to attack the most challenging content and with a non-toxic and team work centric attitude, enjoy participating in it. :)
I've been in Winter for a month or two now. This clan is the best one I've ever come across, I got so much help with strategies and game knowledge and the community is awesome. If you're looking for a clan you should join this one.
Joined these guys late last year as I was coming back to D2 after a long break and knew if I didn't find a clan that I could reliably play with I'd inevitably put the game down again which would be a shame as I've always loved the world of Destiny. Thankfully Winter came in clutch, not only are they a fantastic and well organised gaming platform you actually feel like you're part of a community rather than just an LFG service. I get up and say hi to people in the discord even though I'm not going to be gaming for several hours. There's always a strong community spirit and even though I only came to play Destiny with people I could see myself staying with Winter when Destiny is long and gone and we've moved onto the next thing. Just all round great people from top to bottom.
was just watching a live stream. did you know scythe blames you guys for his fake chatters, even though its clear it is his own doing? 2 hour 54 minutes, says its you guys and while he is not stupid enough to say your clans name, but he focuses on it in secret channels and in discord. even one of his top streamers who came from you guys origionaly said he is clearly responsible. just think its out of order that he says stuff about you guys so much.
the stream was on Thursday. This is what makes Winter so much better, they have no need to make snide little comments towards other communities or reward their voters with monetary compensation for "upvoting" on lfc. Because that is the only way "other clans" seem to get votes.
Clans done right. Winter has some truly motivated and talented leadership that want to make something special that everyone can enjoy. The best multiplatform/game community I have ever been in. They aren't over bearing or needy for attention. If you haven't seen the clans website with Discord integration yet you really should go check it out, it will blow you away.
Great atmosphere for players from around the world.( I'm in Australia). Happy to be a another snowflake of Winter.
LilSpicy Nug
Hey, I am trying to find an active Xbox Community. I was part of a clan, but I just left, because I didn't feel like I fit. It was hard to find a group to game with. Maybe I'm asking for too much, but it's just hard to game with community that isn't on most of the time. I understand life happens, They are great people and kind, but it isn't what I'm looking for.
I wouldn't exactly say it's a greatly run clan, quite a few members have left from leaders being one sided or not caring. I'd advice being careful as they've bullied to a point and will judge you for stuff.