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Silent Warriors

Mission Statement

Established in 2002, TSW is a community built around gaming together. TSW exists to have a place to kick back and game with other people to accomplish the goals we want in the games we play.

TSW as a community plays many different genre of games across PC, Console and Mobile. We also run several private servers for various games.

The overall focus of the Silent Warriors is to have a mature gaming community that any play style can enjoy being a part of. They accomplish this by having both casual to hardcore players in the community with teams and events focused for all styles of play.

With a strong focus on community our endgame goal is to create lasting memories and friendships that may span more then just in game or online. It is through gaming that we forge new friendships, relationships and memories.




Clan Upvotes



9th Aug 2019 - 8:09am

We are currently looking for more members for New World.

Right now we are hovering around 30 and max is 50.

Our plans are to own a zone and defend it as long as we can while enjoying the rest of the content that New World has to offer.