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Nighthawk Developing, Gaming, & IT Solutions

Mission Statement

Nighthawk Developing & IT Solutions LLC is an organization founded by myself to offer people advice and solutions for both gaming and IT problems. I offer a wide variety of services from server configuration and troubleshooting to router and switch set up, port forwarding, and many more. Over the years I have acquired a thorough knowledge of gaming and coding. My ultimate price is 0$. That's right 0$. I am not in this to make money, rather establish a credibility among the gaming and IT communities and help others out. For so long I would pay people incredible amounts of money and they never truly delivered the best that they could. I am here to offer you the best solution and customer service experience that I can. Me and my staff will maintain absolute professional behavior and abuse of any members will be dealt with immediately. Remember we are here to get stuff accomplished but we also offer gaming networking. If you are looking for a group then you can come here and link up with like minded people. I would like to thank you for being here and I look forward to serving you!

OGS Nighthawk & Staff



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