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Do-Not-Resuscitate (PS4)

Mission Statement

Welcome to a very laid back and active clan. We have cut our few inactives and are looking for some new people to participate in our clan. 

***YOU WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS YOU JOIN OUR DISCORD AT TIME OF CLAN REQUEST - In order to promote an active and social clan, you must join our chat on the Discord chat app for better communication and coordination of fireteams. Instructions to join the clan:

We are an adult clan of casual, semi-competitive gamers who like to play together. We are primarily North America based. 

  • We want active members to join the core group of D2 players that we have built over the last year
  • We want contributors to not only XP, but also clan chat. No lurkers looking for clan perks please. 
  • All skill levels welcome
  • All light levels welcome
  • All K/D ratios welcome
  • We do all activities, PVP, PVE, raids.  
  • We have guys that are willing to sherpa newbies to raid/nightfall.
  • Looking for members that are more social than extremely competitive, but we welcome someone who can carry us through trials too, haha
  • All ages welcome, but it is preferred not to play with children because of our potty mouths






18th Jan 2018 - 8:57pm


I and 3 clan mates have a clan we carried over from D1 and would like to join a bigger clan. We are all fairly new to D2, about a month or so, but are fairly active. We play most weeknights (EST) and weekends. For our small group we get the weekly NF and Crucible engrams, but have yet to try the raid or trials - that is mainly why we are looking to join a bigger clan, so we can start doing those. Your clan seemed like a good fit - we're a group of business professionals during the day, but like to have fun, laid back and like to get things done when we get on D2. Our average age is 35. 

We each have already put in requests to join the clan through Bungie, or you could send us invites:
- sdpfister



13th Jan 2018 - 10:22pm

I'm at the point where a clan seems like it'll make the game even more fun, and your write-up sounds like just what I'm looking for. Can I get an invitation? Name's MacSaorsa.


11th Jan 2018 - 3:37pm

Hello :) Would like to join your clan if applications are still open, I'm a new ish player. Add Shannoc :)


1st Jan 2018 - 3:07am

Hi, I'd love to join if still active. My PSN username is Lanesracra please let me know and thanks in advance


19th Dec 2017 - 6:26am

Hey guys. Saw that posting, and you all look like what I'm looking for. HMU @Lomb86 on psn. Would like too you  if you'r still looking.